Animations and Animatics

"Crocodile Dentist" by Deszha Vaughn "Jones" [ANIMATION] 2019
©Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019
Animated in Adobe Photoshop and Toon Boom Harmony

"The Thing With Me" Animatic by Deszha Vaughn "Jones"

"The Thing With Me" ©Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019
Created in Storyboard Pro

Storyboard Test for Peter Michel's "My Brother's Keeper"
"My Brother's Keeper" © Peter Michels
Storyboard and Animatic by Deszha Vaughn "Jones"
Storyboarded in ToonBoom Storyboard Pro

My current WIP project, original short film "Crocodile Dentist"
Crocodile Dentist © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019
Animated in ToonBoom Harmony

"Buzz Off" by Deszha Vaughn "Jones
Buzz Off © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019
Created in Storyboard Pro

Animation Test for Russian Turtle

Russian Turtle © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2018
Animated in Photoshop

Russian Turtle WIP animatic [2018]
Russian Turtle © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2018
Storyboarded in Adobe Photoshop, Compiled in Adobe Premiere Pro

Pencil Test for my original character "Shrug" [2018]

Shrug the Gorilla © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2018
Animated in Adobe Photoshop


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