Character Design And Co.

Kero Kero
Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart Character Design!
Mao Mao:Heroes of Pure Heart © Parker Simmons and Cartoon Network
Kero-Kero © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019

Señor Muerto
© Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019

Dragon Warrior
© Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019

Gravity Falls Character Design! Day V. Pines, the Werehyena
Gravity Falls © Alex Hirsch and Disney
Day V. Pines © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019
Created in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

Shrug the Gorilla Character Design © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2018
Created in Adobe Photoshop 

Year Of the Pig Character Design!! 2019
Cutlet the Pig © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019
Created in Adobe Photoshop

How About Some Troll Action? Troll Hunters Character Design
Troll Hunters © Guillermo Del Toro and DreamWorks
Vølk © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019
Created in Adobe Photoshop

Pick Penelope Peccadine the Woodpecker
Character Design for my original short film "Crocodile Dentist"
Pick Penelope Peccadine © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019
"Crocodile Dentist" © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019
Created in Adobe Photoshop

Russian the Turtle Animatronic Plush
Character designs for my short film "Russian Turtle"
"Russian Turtle" © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2018
Created in Adobe Photoshop

Color Studies using the Gamut Mask
Created in Adobe Photoshop 2019

Shape Language Character Designs! 2019

Sherlock Holmes Character Designs Sherlock and Wattson
Terri Wattson and Sherlock the Key Mage © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019
Created in Adobe Photoshop 2019

Star Trek Character Design
Star Trek © Gene Roddenberry
Nichibotsu © Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019
Created in Adobe Photoshop

Type III Glaberzu Character Design
Created in Adobe Photoshop 2019
© Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019"

Splotch Challenge Character Design/Illustration
© Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019

Splotch Challenge Character Design/ Illustration
© Deszha Vaughn "Jones" 2019


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